For the Love of Dishes: Social Media Group Brings Hundreds to Wetumpka
There are a variety of reasons local economies get a boost on any given weekend, but few are quiet like what happened in Wetumpka the first weekend of March.
Ladies and men from all over the country converged on the town to dish... Literally.
A couple of years ago, Wetumpka resident May Eason created the Beautiful Table Settings Facebook group. She wanted a place that she could display her collections with others... Little did she know in two short years, the group would span the nation with more than 117,000 members.
“I have help moderating this group because it has gotten quite large,” Eason said. “Over time, we have gotten to befriends and we wanted to get together.”
Since Eason lives in Wetumpka it was an obvious choice as the destination, even though some tried to talk her out of it.
“There were several that said, why don’t we do it in Atlanta or Birmingham... Why Wetumpka?” Eason said. “Well, I just told them, that I don’t live there. I live here.”
The two-day event attracted more than 400 people to spend the weekend in Wetumpka. The festivities were at the Wetumpka Civic Center and visitors were treated to lunches from local restaurants.
“It was important to me to use, the businesses and people of Wetumpka,” Eason said. “I wanted this event here because I knew we could do it right in Wetumpka. If it were somewhere else, who knows what we would have gotten.”
“The First Annual BTS Bash was a genuine success. May Eason and her group administrators created a learning fellowship for those of us who were able to attend,” Patricia Taylor, one of the attendees said on social media after the event. “Every minute was filled with opportunities to learn, shop, mingle, and meet creative BTS folks. The locally catered meals were delicious as well. Wetumpka is an enchanting town where new friendships happen almost effortlessly. It provided a perfect venue for this delightful gathering. Many thanks to all who made the Beautiful Table Settings Bash such a lovely event.”
The weekend also featured workshops on floral design and napkin folding as well as speakers.
“This really was an old fashioned hen party,” Eason said. “We all had such a fun time getting together and meeting one another.
”In addition to speakers and vendors, there were tables setup to give dishes away and take what you want. Each attendee was encouraged to bring a salad plate to swap with a friend.
“Our group is so generous, I know I have made friends that I shop for year round and have baskets of things to give them when I see them in person again,” Eason said.
“As the Economic Development and Tourism Director for the City of Wetumpka, I wanted to say how grateful I am for citizens like May that bless our community,” Lynn Weldon said. “This is truly what is meant by #wecantogether and #welovethisplace! You and your Beautiful Table Settings group and the BTS Bash 2022 did a beautiful job with everything. You highlighted local businesses, brought people to Wetumpka, AL that may have never experienced us otherwise, spotlighted local history, gave our locals a chance to meet some amazing people, and make some life-long friends from all over the United States. We are grateful to you and to your group for such a successful event. Now on to planning 2023!”
Membership to the Facebook group is simple, you can search for it and request to join, but some tips to gain successful entry and not be removed... Have a profile picture. Follow the rules which are easy enough for most. “We have had to kick people out of the group because they just can’t seem to play nice sometimes,” Eason said. “We don’t put up with foolishness.”